no change in central government's policy on hk: ce-凯发体育k8

主管:中共孝感市委宣传部    主办:孝感日报传媒集团
no change in central government's policy on hk: c
2020-06-09 22:55:25    来源:中国日报

  hong kong chief executive carrie lam cheng yuet-ngor on tuesday stressed "categorically" that there is "absolutely no change" in the central government's policy toward the special administrative region.

  the hong kong leader made the remarks in response to a reporter's question about whether the central government has shifted its position on the sar's "one country, two systems" principle and the high degree of autonomy it enjoys under the principle.

  speaking to the press before the weekly executive council meeting, lam underlined that the successful, comprehensive and accurate implementation of "one country, two systems" is enshrined through the establishment of the hksar and repeatedly stressed by state leaders.

  "national security should be very much a core part of that comprehensive and accurate implementation of 'one country, two systems', because everybody, every country needs national security in order to safeguard the interests of the country," lam said.

  "so there is no deviation or shift in the policy," she continued. "if there is any deviation or breach, that is our 'incapacity or inefficiency' in enacting local legislation on our own to safeguard national security."

  lam also announced she would waive salary raises for political appointees, non-official executive council members and herself for 2020, to ride out economic hardship with the community together during the coronavirus pandemic.

  this move comes after the hong kong leader and top government officials including secretaries and bureau chiefs decided to take a 10 percent pay cut in april.

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